Be a Role Model in Challenging Times

Lake Superior, Minnesota (Photo by Gina M. Gafford)

Everyone is experiencing more psychological stress because of the Coronavirus. While shopping, my friend said she could see the stress in people’s eyes. This past week, I felt stress and frustration several times. I had to be strict and tell myself to “be a calm-ass!” I reminded myself that situations and feelings are temporary.

When I feel frustrated, it helps to look at the big picture of life. I need to ask myself, “What am I afraid of?” Frustration is another form of anger, and anger is another form of fear. Right now, there’s a lot of uncertainty and fear about the future. We all need to take one day at a time.

Along with my frustration, I’ve had a careless attitude. The issues around the Coronavirus doesn’t help (and it’s not an excuse to be rude or unkind). I must not let myself go down that path. I must keep my integrity and not give up on what’s important in life – like being kind, helping people, and making the world a better place.

Several things help me to feel more balanced and less frustrated, like increasing my self-care, be more mindful (do more yoga and meditation), and spend time in nature. I need to remind myself to be gentle with myself and others. We live in a unique and challenging time, and we need to be role models for others.

Namaste, world.